Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Insatiable Corporate Raider (NYC - MN - NYC)
Its been a long time coming...
Basically I’ve been a whirlwind from work for that last few weeks.
I am exhausted and it doesn't seem to be slowing anytime soon....

I fed myself today with some food I found in a conference room and this is what i wore today:

Anne Taylor Loft White flowy shirt on sale = $15
my cool airy drawstring crop pants and my $2 flip flops
Its HOT AS BALLS out but I digress...

Now here is the recap:
Work took me to Minneapolis for meetings.
I could go on and on about my hotel and sound like a complete snob but the point would ultimately be that if work is keeping you in another city for more than a few nights it should…blah what I am saying is one tends to get accustomed to a certain level of quality when travelling for work.
I typically stay at the Graves 601 or The Grand both of which are fabulous MN hotels, a city that is actually quite trendy. So when I got placed at the Hyatt because my previous two were booked due to the last minute notice I was slightly disappointed. The truth is when I travel for work the 3 things I look forward to the MOST are 1. the free miles from flying 2. the nice hotel + room service that I normally wouldn't be able to afford on my own 3. the delicious food I get to eat(that also I normally would not be able to afford).

And yes, I know exactly how I sound. Had I been traveling on my own budget the Hyatt would have been LOVELY – do I make my point yet? Yes ok I will stop now because I am a snob when it comes to work travel I suppose. (On a side note I should mention the Hyatt was hosting a world Blind Convention and while checking out i ran into this blind woman i used to see in my home town all the time - isnt that crazy?? how random)

Anyways I was in MN for almost the whole work week for essentially 2 (which later turned to 3) 45min meetings. It was very productive and if I do say so myself kicked some ass in the meetings. Ah well, needless to say I got a lot of work done in our MN office, answered emails from my hotel bed while dining on room service, and shopped at the Mecca of the bullseye. I ate well - there are some great restaurants in MN – I’d post all about it as I usually do but I am seriously craving caffeine and chocolate and can not manage to focus right now so just use your imagination.

All in all I like MN – it is a great city – although I wouldn’t want to visit in the winter given all the skyways aka gerbil tunnels connecting all the buildings to keep you out of what seems would be a cold as balls winter.

Anyways here are some shots of the view from my hotel room (along with a hilarious store I couldn’t help but take a picture of given the nature of this blog APPLAUSE CHEAPO hehe I am still not sure what they sell) and of my breakfast parfait along with my first day back digs.

I couldn’t manage work attire so I went for a prep look.
Heatherette turquoise Polo Shirt with embellishments = $15 (orig. $69) from Loehmann’s
Joe’s Jeans Dark denim = $50 (orig. $125) from Loehmann’s
Payless prep canvas slip on’s = $8 (oh how I love these)

Perhaps sooner than later I will post all about the fabulous trip to a lakehouse we took for the weekend of the 4th.

Prior to that I should mention that I have been in the middle of an apt. overhaul. I’ve been slowly selling all of my furniture to make room for the new furniture I’ve been collecting to go with my new boxes ! With the help of my mom, El Jefe, and Hushed I was able to make major progress this past week which was really the first time I've been home in a while. Please ignore the lack of fashion as we stain the shoe rack with my hol(e)y shirt and my matrix inspired kick outfit in the "Before" shot.

I LOVE my new furniture and can’t wait for the apt to be all done (a year after moving in of course).


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