Friday, August 10, 2007

Bring The Knights Back!!!!

"Hushed Existentialist" (MD)

Somebody, anybody, help me! I'm trying to save my favorite show of all time from an untimely death along the lines of my other favorite show, Arrested Development.

Now, I totally understand how a picture like this might turn you off:

And that this one might make you exclaim, "Hell to the Naw":

But trust me when I say, this show is the greatest. Go to, click on "WATCH ABC SHOWS ONLINE NOW", download the new viewing program, scroll through the shows to find Knights Of Prosperity,

and watch it. start to finish.

ok, ok. just try one episode on for size. trust me. i wouldn't plug just any old thing. you will want to continue....

There is something for everyone. I mean, there IS a hot chick:

and there IS one smooth brotha:

So if you're sitting down at your desk at work and you need something to do for 27 minutes to take your mind of the day, off the week, to propel you into the weekend... JUST WATCH IT!! During your lunch hour.

OK?? Please. And tell your friends.

Oh and, then WE can discuss.

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